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The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

NMEC is the first museum in the Arab world focusing on the earliest civilization in history – the ancient Egyptian civilization. It is the only museum in Egypt that offers the visitor a general overview of all the different historical periods that encompass Egypt. This has been approached as a layered cumulative product regarding the interaction of the Egyptian people with their land throughout history. This has been created via a multidisciplinary thematic approach designed to highlight Egypt’s tangible and intangible heritage. In addition, NMEC is an important cultural, educational, recreational, and research center for local and international visitors and scholars.

NMEC exhibits several objects intended to educate the visitor about the Egyptian civilization across various key historical phases, starting with the Predynastic and Ancient Egyptian periods, and continuing across the Graeco-Roman, Coptic, Islamic and contemporary modern times. NMEC is located at the heart of Al-Fustat, the ancient Islamic capital of Egypt, and is surrounded by several religious complexes

The biggest and newest attraction to the museum are 22 royal mummies that have been transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir square to their final resting place in the NMEC. You can see, among others the mummies of King Ramses II, King Seqenenre Tao, Queen Hatshepsut, Queen Tiye, King Seti I and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari.

Good to Know

Egypt, Cairo
Opened in
Languages spoken
Arabic - English
Area (km2)
490,000 m