License No. 2314 Granted To a Tourism Company
To Authorize The Practice of all Tourism Activities According
To The Provisions of Paragraph (A) of Article (2) Of law No.38 of 1977
and its amendments and executive Regulations governing The Law

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Khan El Khalil

Khan El Khalil

Kan ell-Khalili is a famous bazaar and souq (or souk) in the historic center of Cairo, Egypt. Established as a center of trade in the Mamluk era and named for one of its several historic caravanserais, the bazaar district has since become one of Cairo’s main attractions for tourists and Egyptians alike

It is also home to many Egyptian artisans and workshops involved in the production of traditional crafts and souvenirs. The name Khan el-Khalili historically referred to a single building in the area; today it refers to the entire shopping district.

Good to Know

Egypt, Cairo
600 years
Languages spoken
Arabic - English