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Vally Of the kings

Vally Of the kings

. It is a valley in Egypt that was used for 500 years to build tombs for the pharaohs and nobility of the New Kingdom, The valley is located on the western bank of the Nile river ,The Valley of the Kings is divided into two valleys: Eastern Valley and the western valley , The soil of the area where the Valley of the Kings is located consists of dense layers of limestone and sedimentary rocks

  • The tombs have suffered great damage from treasure hunters, floods and, in recent years, from mass tourism: carbon dioxide, friction and humidity produced by the average of 2.8g of sweat left by each visitor have affected the reliefs and the pigments of the wall paintings. The Department of Antiquities has since installed dehumidifiers and glass screens in the worst affected tombs, and introduced a rotation system for opening some tombs to the public while restoring others. Each tomb has a number that represents the order in which it was discovered. KV (short for Kings Valley) 1 belongs to Ramses VII; it has been open since Greek and Roman times, and was mentioned in the Description de l’Egypte, dating from the late 18th century. KV 62 – Tutankhamun’s famous tomb, which was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 – was until recently the last one to be discovered, but in 2006 KV 63 was discovered, with a few empty sarcophagus, so it is not clear if this was a royal tomb or a chamber for the mummification process

Good to Know

Egypt, Luxor
4600 years
Languages spoken
Arabic - English