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Dahshur is an archaeological site located on the Western Desert plateau at the edge of the cultivated plain. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and forms part of the pyramid fields of the ancient capital city of Memphis, along with the pyramid complexes at Saqqara, Abusir, and Giza . Dahshur is renowned for its pyramids, specifically the pyramids of King Sneferu, who ruled during the 4th dynasty of ancient Egypt. Two of the notable pyramids at Dahshur are the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid.The Bent Pyramid is a unique example of early pyramid development in Egypt. It was built by King Sneferu and is located at the royal necropolis of Dahshur.

The pyramid gets its name from its unique structure, where the angle of inclination changes higher up the pyramid. It rises from the desert at a 54-degree inclination, but the top section is built at a shallower angle. The Red Pyramid, also constructed by King Sneferu, is the third-largest pyramid in Egypt. It is called the Red Pyramid because of the reddish color of its limestone exterior. This pyramid is significant as it represents a transitional stage between the step pyramid and the true pyramid. Unlike the Bent Pyramid, the Red Pyramid has a consistent angle of inclination. In addition to the pyramids, Dahshur is also home to other archaeological sites, including the Black Pyramid, which was built by King Amenemhat III during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

Good to Know

Egypt, Giza, Dahshur
4600 years
Languages spoken
Arabic - English