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Library of Alexandria

Library of Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria was one of the most famous libraries of the ancient world. It was founded in the 3rd century BC and served as a center for learning and scholarship in Alexandria, Egypt. The library was known for its vast collection of scrolls and manuscripts, which were gathered from all over the ancient world.

*The library and cultural center were inaugurated in 2002 as part of a huge project to commemorate the city of Alexandria’s legacy as an ancient center of world learning and culture.

*Alexandria is known first and foremost for the legendary Library of Alexandria, the biggest library in the ancient world and a symbol of the world’s collective knowledge at the time. But did you know that the Library was actually a part of a larger institution of learning called the Mouseion? If you say that word out loud, you will recognize its likeness to the modern world museum. The word actually means The Instituionof the Muses, as it was believed at the time that great thoughts, art and music came from the inspirational goddesses called muses. In our modern language, the word muse is of course still in use, but it generally refers to a person who inspires art, rather than a supernatural being.

Good to Know

Egypt, Alexandria
Founded in
Languages spoken
Arabic - English