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Roman Theater

Roman Theater

Roman Amphitheatre or Roman Theatre is located in the central region of Alexandria city at Kom el-Dikka. Bordered by the Horrya Street in the north, Nabi Daniel Street in west, Abdel Moneim Street in south and Saphia Zaghloul Street from the eastern side, Roman Theatre is one of the symbols of Alexandria city.

  • The Roman Theater refers to the architectural structures built by the ancient Romans for theatrical performances. These theaters were an important part of Roman culture and entertainment.
  • Roman theaters were typically built in the shape of a semicircle, with seating tiers rising up from the stage. The seating was divided into different sections, with the lower tiers reserved for the elite and higher tiers for the common people.
  • Today, many of these ancient Roman theaters are still standing and can be visited by tourists. They serve as important historical and architectural landmarks, providing insights into the rich cultural heritage of the Roman Empire

Good to Know

Egypt, Alexandria
Founded in
332 B.C
Languages spoken
Arabic - English